
Showing posts from January, 2025

That's not an Uber

 I would be a bit tempted to drive for Uber, but I can't because my car only has two doors. I guess I could do Uber eats or something else like that. What I really need to do is just actually work for myself. There is plenty to do, and some of it actually makes money.  I just listened to a book summary that argued that extrinsic motivation can be harmful. I think I agree. The drives I talked about last week, the appetites, are intrinsic. How then can we adjust the appetites without having to call that adjustment 'extrinsic motivation'? It's all a semantics game after all, but it's a semantics game worth playing I think. Like how reverse psychology totally works in certain situations.  I'm parked next to a stone wall, and I have the sudden realization that life is more like a stone wall than a brick wall. In the end you're going to end up with a wall, but to begin with you're probably going to deal with some irregularities. On the other hand our days are ...

All things

 The Tao that can be named is not the eternal Tao - loud Sue  I'm here on our easy chair and the dog is asleep on my feet. The sun is coming in the windows at an angle that is better even than a sun lamp. I am catching my rays for sure.  I am planning to go to church as soon as I finish writing this. I have not written in a month, but for no particular reason. It's not that I didn't have anything to say. I have been working on several songs, vacationing, and continuing to raise Jamie. It seems that some tasks never go away once you sign up for them. Perhaps that's what I want to focus on today. Appetites. If we can change our appetites, our drives, then we can change our actions. We don't want to try to get ourselves to go to the gym. Rather we ought to try to get ourselves to want to be in better shape. Then we might go to the gym automatically. I don't know why people use the gym as part of their metaphor so often. Let me put it a different way.  I like quick ...