All things

 The Tao that can be named is not the eternal Tao - loud Sue 

I'm here on our easy chair and the dog is asleep on my feet. The sun is coming in the windows at an angle that is better even than a sun lamp. I am catching my rays for sure.  I am planning to go to church as soon as I finish writing this. I have not written in a month, but for no particular reason. It's not that I didn't have anything to say. I have been working on several songs, vacationing, and continuing to raise Jamie. It seems that some tasks never go away once you sign up for them. Perhaps that's what I want to focus on today. Appetites. If we can change our appetites, our drives, then we can change our actions. We don't want to try to get ourselves to go to the gym. Rather we ought to try to get ourselves to want to be in better shape. Then we might go to the gym automatically. I don't know why people use the gym as part of their metaphor so often. Let me put it a different way.  I like quick food. Not fast food, but quick food. If no one stopped me I would eat granola with peanut butter for every meal. And so as I think about this new year, I think of ways to adjust this appetite. Adjust the activation energy required to begin or maybe complete or resume the task. Duh. I made a song about that. I think you can find it on the podcast somewhere. 

Jamie's internal alarm system works much faster than mine does. She will be utterly asleep and then awake and barking the next second. Often this startles me quite a bit, but she doesn't seem to care. And then she goes back under. 

Another appetite that I'm trying to adjust this year is my appetite for raising a song once I have birthed it. Perhaps this applies to blogging and podcasting as well.  But honestly, I don't have the time and energy to edit these posts too much. I've been thinking of Life as a series of radio dials which one has to adjust until the signal comes in completely clearly. These blogs and podcast episodes are meant to be a little fuzzy, but hopefully the songs end up bringing my thoughts and ideas into complete clarity. 

All right, time to go to church. As my dad always says: skip church, miss a blessing. 

Later. Go ahead and read another one if you want. Lucas


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