What if I actually?

Created something daily!? Something good. Perhaps the blog would be the thing to try again. Perhaps it should just be a blog for a blog's sake? Or perhaps I should focus on my new Christian album. Or perhaps I should get a normal job. Or maybe some combination of all of them. I don't think I'm cut out for a normal job, perhaps I should get disability if I could. Perhaps I don't deserve it. There's a lot of things in my life I don't deserve. Some good and some bad. Perhaps the cards just fall where they're going to fall. Perhaps that is mixing metaphors. This air filter is quite noisy, perhaps it needs to be cleaned. Perhaps I'll make some more fizzy water. Perhaps I should go on a longer walk today. Perhaps I should get the psychiatrist to give me a drug-induced lobotomy so that I can function in this society, even if I do have to become a robot. 

That's it for today, no podcast recommendation, because as I said, maybe I need to blog for blogging sake. If you want to read more, read more.


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