003: Branch out why don't you?

 I decided to put on some classical piano music while writing this blog post.  I thoroughly recommend Yiruma... if you feel so led you could put on 'The River Flows in You' while you read this.

We are creatures of habit for sure.  Many of us especially so when it comes to the music we choose to listen to.  A local 80s radio station often jokes: "People who listen to the 80s have children who listen to the 80s!"  In my case it's the 70s... love me some Cat Stevens.  

When I was a senior in high school and my brother was in sixth grade at the adjoining middle school, we would drive our jet black Volvo 850 station wagon the 1.1 miles to school... each day listening to one more track off of The Best of Cat Stevens.  As far as I can remember this pattern continued the entire year even though the Volvo had a six disk exchange system. 

When I write music I don't intentionally try to get it stuck in your head... for whatever reason that's just how it usually turns out.  Perhaps it is in large part due to the way I write, mulling over snippets that get stuck in my own head as I churn them out. 

The saying goes: "Make new friends, but keep the old... some are silver and the others gold."  This is how I feel about music.  I've probably already written some of my best songs I'll ever write... and if I had to choose between only listening to music I know and love for the rest of my life and only listening to new music for the rest of my life, it would be quite a difficult decision.  

Fortunately we aren't faced with such a choice.


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