'Longer Than It Should' inaugural blog post

 Greetings friend,

Just writing to say that I'm finally feeling productive again, at least a little bit.  I really feel this time that I might be, no, I am... close, ever so close to a tipping point.  The songs are all there, many of them even have decent recordings... perhaps the sheer quantity is actually a detriment to the best ones.  And people love the podcast... at least a few of them do.  And a few is a lot considering the listenership is still so low.  And so I'm setting out again on another medium: the blog.  I've done this before, but as usual it didn't get anywhere.  The difference may be the fact that I discovered that Google's hosts blogs... one has to assume that Google's hosting is better than Groove's.

The point of the blog is to promote the entire Lightning Lucas ecosystem.  To glue it all together.  Things that may be included: bonus thoughts on the podcast episodes, new comedy bit ideas, old song lyric snippets that I dig up, and much more.  

Hold That Note is for superfans of Lightning Lucas, but Longer Than It Should is perhaps for a different type of superfan... or not a superfan at all... but a friend.  A friend who wants things to go well for Lucas.  A friend who believes that Lucas deserves to make it with his art, but the kind of friend who would help to keep Lucas grounded if that big breakthrough ever did come, and perhaps the kind of friend who secretly believes that the big break will actually never come.  If you're that kind of friend... welcome to the blog.

Here's a lyric from the song Phoenix: 'Here I sit now typing up a resume I hope I won't need, but I know that I won't get that big break before I get hungry.'

Okay, cool... I can't make these too long or I'll never keep up on trying to write one a day... 

The title of this blog comes from another one of my songs by the same title... the extended lyric is: "Just because it takes longer than it should doesn't mean it's never gonna happen.  Just because it takes longer than it should doesn't mean it's never gonna fly.  Some people quit on the brink of a breakthrough, lah-di-dat-dah, don't let that be you, just because it takes longer than it should."

Go check out my recently revamped website, there's a new podcast episode, maybe you'd even want to send in a question...

You're the best,




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