004: 'Cold in this Sunshine' lyrics

I think that most days when I release a podcast episode I will not write a blog post. Rather, I will post the lyrics to one or both of the songs featured on Hold That Note that day. Here are the lyrics to the first track featured on episode 109. 

I am cold sometimes, I am cold and I'm feeling cold right now in this sunshine, 
and although I'm told not to dream too big, it seems to me that to dream's to live, 
and if I can't get what I want I can die trying, more like I'll mope a lot and end up crying,
I want to live in a world where ants aren't a primary form of intelligence, collecting crumbs for the queen and her clan, they don't have a problem with unfulfilled plans like rising above incompetence and visiting other continents, 
I am cold sometimes, I am cold and I'm feeling cold right now in this sunshine, 
these trees speak to me of perseverance, humility, and a rootedness in community, isn't that how we all should be, 
but then mammals put on their sandals and walked where they weren't really welcome and soon enough there were homeless folks sleeping on the ground despite houses with couches all around, 
I am cold sometimes I am cold and I'm feeling cold right now in this sunshine.

Also, imagine some pretty nice harmonica solos featured throughout the song. 
I hope this inspires you to listen to episode 109, you can find it and subscribe to your listening method of choice by visiting www.lightninglucas.com
Thanks for reading, and I will be back tomorrow with a more normal blog post.


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