10: Is There Another Way?

I recently heard someone claim that the only way to become a good writer or podcaster is to follow the beaten path.  He compared it to attempting to become a chess master.  In other words, he thinks the paths to success are obvious if you can stand their rigor.  

For whatever reason, I think I'm the exception to such rules.  I believe I can find a different way, a better way.  

Unfortunately, the person who made the above claim was Cal Newport, and I tend to trust his opinions.  

Fortunately, Cal is not on board with many productivity gurus who would say you have to work a ridiculously intense schedule and post about it non-stop all over the internet.  

The internet is a blessing and a curse of course.  I'm old enough to remember when it was slow... beeeeeeeebooooobeeep (I'm talking dial-up slow)... but really, I've come of age with the internet.  At least I've grown up... the internet doesn't show any signs of slowing down... it keeps evolving, and I have stagnated here in an almost ageless stage of adulthood.  

I think Cal would approve of my meandering daily walks, sometimes listening to music, sometimes podcasts, other times the wind and the birds.  I'm recharging, mulling things over, getting right with myself and God. 

(Turns out, after writing the above paragraph, I later finished the episode where Cal had made the chess training comment... he and Ryan Holiday spent about five minutes talking about the connection between deep work and walking!) 

Today let me encourage you to listen to the most recent Hold That Note episode.  Find it and all the other good things to do at www.LightningLucas.com

Be well,



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