13: "Niko's Song" Lyrics

 My brother has invited me to play some of my Christian songs at an event for Virginia Mennonite Conference on Saturday, May 4th (details to follow).  This gig will be the first time ever that I'm trying to have a backing band (The Thunderstorm Warnings).  It is still unclear who all will be playing.  I have a couple weeks to invite people and practice a bit.  More details on that later, but for now, here are the lyrics to one of the songs we might play.  I wrote it when my sister was pregnant with her first child (my first nephew, Jeremi... who is now 10)... the fun thing was that their in-utero name for Jeremi was 'Niko,' and coincidentally, while she was in labor on a Sunday, the passage we read at Church was the story of Nicodemus and Jesus' conversation about being born again...  So, I wrote this song:

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I consecrated you. x2 It was just a normal day when Nicodemus came to visit Jesus. He came at night because he didn't want his friends to know. "Jesus, you must have God at your back, or you couldn't do these miracles I've seen." Well Jesus said to him, You must be born again, if you want to enter in to the Kingdom of love. Nicodemus asked, " How can this come to pass?" Surely I cannot enter in, once again, into my mother's womb. Jesus said to him, "I speak of spiritual rebirth," "John baptized you with water, but I baptize you with fire." You must be born again, if you want to enter in to the Kingdom of love. The wind blows where it pleases, so does the spirit. x3 As Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, In the same way the Son of Man must be lifted up, So that everyone who looks on him may have eternal life, May have eternal life. For God so love the world, he gave his one and only son, So that whoever trusts in him, will not perish but shall have Eternal life, true life. And shall be reborn of the Lord. But remember, in this metaphor, where you're Escaping the womb of the physical world, You're not the one doing the pushing, All you've got to do is cry out. You must be born again, if you want to enter in, The wind blows where it pleases, For God so loved the world, he sent his one and only son, So that whoever trust in him, will not perish but shall have Eternal life, true life. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, no God sent his son to save us all. x2 Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I consecrated you. x2 It was just a normal day when Nicodemus came to bury Jesus.


I hope that was meaningful for you.  You can listen to the song here: https://lightninglucas.bandcamp.com/album/wash-me-walk-on-water


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