15: Pivot... maybe?

Wellbeing is realized by small steps, but it is no small thing.  -Zeno, founder of Stoicism

As I soak in the beauty out here at our cabin (listen to last week's podcast for a song partially inspired by said beauty) I find it almost silly that I was having such a hard time existing last week.  If and when I take a step back, it becomes clear that my tasks are utterly trivial.  But maybe that trivial nature is part of the source of my despair.  I long to make a splash, but instead I make drops in dear Liza's leaky bucket.  I have to zoom out to remember that 'nothing is lost on the breath of God,' meaning those water droplets out of her bucket are going somewhere... watering some earth I may never know about... growing something.

I'm thinking again about pivoting... the podcast really isn't growing/working.  Perhaps I could make an episode every time I finish a new song... part of my problem historically has been that I always want to move on to the next thing... I'm almost never quite proud enough of my previous project to take the time to market it effectively.  How do I solve this?  Market research?  Emerson suggests that listening inward to the still small voice may produce the answer.  Too often I run about making so much noise that the still small voice is drowned out and its directional guidance goes utterly unheeded.

Today I suggest listening to my song 'Mere Mortals.' Here is the band camp link: https://lightninglucas.bandcamp.com/track/meremortals

 And here is the song embedded in a podcast episode which I have not reviewed recently but let's assume it's good: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/holdthatnote/episodes/83-The-Peter-Song-and-Mere-Mortals-e1p96it
Turns out it also features the Peter song, which I will be playing on May 4th with my first ever backing band consisting of several of my good friends.. I am calling us "Lightning Lucas and the Thunderstorm Warnings." Check out the event page here:


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