19: Letting sleeping dogs tell the truth

Jamie does this thing where she will lay peacefully at my feet, but then she will spring to attention the second I get out of my chair to do something. Just now I had to ask my dad to hand me my phone because I had accidentally left it on the other side of the room before sitting down (and Jamie had decided to lie down at my feet almost immediately).  
I'm trying to blog more because the numbers show that it's more effective than podcasting, at least for me. Also it takes less time and effort for me to make a post, so if more people read it AND it's easier to make, that seems like a big win. 
It's always hard for me to pick a medium. YouTube is great, and it's not that hard to do once you have a setup, but I don't really have a setup right now, and I don't see a likelihood of a sprawling desk covered in giant sleek monitors manifesting itself in my near future.
Right now my basic plan is to try to have three or four house shows (although, let's start with one, shall we)... in the Harrisonburg area between now and the new year as part of relaunching the remastered version of the Wash Me album. 
I realized that another one of the things I'm not very good at, but some people are actually really good at, is inviting people to events. I think I'm going to try to tap some local leaders (of church small groups for example) to do the inviting for me. We'll see how that plan pans out.
I'm also talking with some of my Patrons about the potential of hiring someone to help me with my endeavors... (perhaps one of their nieces). Some of the things on my to do list include paring down my YouTube presence to only the best videos, getting the lyrics to said videos typed up and synced up, helping me with my upcoming Patreon push, and helping me locate and arrange house shows.  I'm also always trying to figure out how to incentivize people to sneeze about what's going on in my world. Got to make it contagious. 
Today's call to action is to read another LongerThanItShould entry, but if you're interested in any of my other stuff, you can always check out the ecosystem at LightningLucas.com
Thanks for reading, and I hope you sleep well,


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