Fair Weather Lifer

I find it's easy to fall into an existence where one only wants to do the easy things. We are all like water droplets meandering down the window panes of life, choosing a left here and a right there for no apparent reason to the human eye, but to the eye of the water droplet each decision of which way to go is obvious. Since we are humans though, not actual water droplets, sometimes our decisions seem loaded and important. If you ask me, they aren't. Each one we come to, we end up doing exactly what we were destined to do. Perhaps this is predestination talk, but it's an interesting thought process. Have you ever seen the Mario minigame where they drop a little treasure chest into the mouth of one of three intertwining pipes, and it winds its way down through the mass of pipes and comes out at the bottom into the expecting hands of either Mario, Luigi, or (God forbid ) Bowser?  What makes this game fun is that the mess of pipes which the treasure chest goes through is public knowledge. It's just a maze that is hard to solve quickly. If you had all the time in the world the game wouldn't be fun, you would always know which character would end up with the reward.  What's the lesson here for our lives?  Perhaps: take it slowly when discerning because you may not get the same chance again.  On the other hand, life often seems circular... I got the following thought from my brother C.S. Hurst: perhaps life is somewhat circular, but also somewhat like a spiral, where we come around to the same things again and again, but we're at a slightly different place in life... 
And so, today I will recommend my fall songs, though I feel I might have recommended them earlier.  One is about all of the seasons (but it start with fall) and the other is about being startled by the beginning of October (which I'm sharing because I drafted the first half of this post in October)
'And Round and Round': https://lightninglucas.bandcamp.com/track/and-round-and-round
'October, October': https://youtu.be/K6kySTu-owY?si=dFEIOfVwnIHUE1Fa
Video of the Mario minigame I was talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDe6feMmqt8

Thanks for reading and listening,
See you next time!
        --Lightning Lucas--


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