
Figuring out what to do with your life isn't easy.  Sometimes I feel like I'm a stem cell... I could morph into anything without warning.  (This may reflect a fairly rudimentary understanding of stem cells).

Right now I've basically been stripped down to me, my dog, and my car... and for now I'm staying with my parents... so we're all just waiting to see what I evolve into next.  Could it be a musician? A blogger? A YouTuber? A podcaster? A comedian? An actor?  A children's book author/illustrator?  An accountant? A business tycoon? A foot surgeon? A railroad conductor? A theoretical physicist? A bazillionaire? A racecar driver? It's hard to decide.  And the rules are changing daily... It's hard for me to even discern what my personality type is.  It seems to shift like sand.

I'm not exactly sure how sand shifts.  The way I shift is by getting energy from some gatherings and being overwhelmed and anxious about other very similar ones.  Tangentially... did you know that it's documented that Abraham Lincoln was bipolar... and it's also a documented fact that as a boy he was kicked in the head by a horse.
You may see the connection there, you may not... but the way I shift, I just may turn out to make more waves than I am making right now.  If you agree, read another one.


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