Did I sell it?

Well, I sold my skateboard for 20 bucks, and my snowboard for $125, so there's a little bit of progress. And I listed the three things I mentioned yesterday, and I came up with a way that I might be able to keep the bike in the family if it doesn't sell online, so that's progress as well. Perhaps today's word is progress. Progress is in the eye of the beholder, although it clearly implies movement in a direction. I guess what's in the eye of the beholder is whether that direction is preferable or not. In my mind it's clearly preferable for me to be getting rid of many larger pieces of clutter in my life, especially if I can make a little money from them. A big part of progress is chipping away consistently. And progress relates to habits because if you can make making progress a habit, you're sure to make plenty of it. And so, I'm once again trying to make it a habit to blog daily. Both to get the juices flowing, and to get into a mode of working, or at least productivity, while I'm home with the dog. Maybe I should rent a coworking space and leave her in the crate a few hours a day. She actually seems to love the crate, sometimes she doesn't want to come out right away when we get home. But I'm sure she gets bored and lonely, and that is what I'm often experiencing when my mood is too low, so I wouldn't want to put her through that, or anyone for that matter. I would like to get her trained to be able to visit retirement homes and such, but I keep putting off looking into it because I assume it will cost a lot. Maybe that can be a goal for today. Goals and progress go hand in hand. 


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